Dr. Edward Bach
When choosing your personal Bach Flower Remedy, it helps to look for the root cause of your emotional challenges. The following Purely handouts are to help you better understand our own characteristics, behaviors and current state of mind, so to determine the best remedy for you. Simply click on the download button for your own copy.
Many people benefit from more than one flower remedy. To save the expense of purchasing individual remedies, we can create a custom personalized remedy for you. Contact us with your questions, or for a personal consultation.
Hide problems behind a cheerful face. Masks anxieties.
Apprehension, vague or unknown fears
Intolerant, critical, arrogant, judgmental
Intolerant, critical, arrogant, judgmental
Repeating same mistake, slow to learn life's lessons
Possessive, needy
Unclean, self dislike, self disgust
Overwhelmed with responsibility and depressed
Discouraged by small set backs
Jealousy, hate, suspicion, envy
Impatience, irritation
Lack of confidence, fear of failure
Shyness, timidness, known fears
Depression comes and goes without reason, feels like a dark cloud overhead
For those exhausted but struggles on
Complete physical and mental exhaustion, drained of energy
Fright, trauma, bad news, soothes sorrows
Full of energy, overly excitable and high strung
Authoritative, domineering to point of bullying
Adjusting to changes, new job, menopause, etc. Protection from negative inf
Repeated unwanted worried thoughts, mental anguish
At a crossroad in the life and cannot decide what to do next, easily bored
Resentment, bitterness, "poor me", "it is not fair"
For a full listing of the 38 Bach Remedies and associated indications, contact Purely Self-Care to book a consultation.
Please reach us at denise@purelyself-cae.com. if you cannot find an answer to your question.
You may also visit https://www.bachremedies.com for more information.
There are 38 remedies developed from individual flowers, trees or bushes. Each remedy is for a specific emotional or mental state, plus a combination of five of the remedies designed for difficult and demanding situations, which is called the Rescue Remedy.
The flower remedies, like other forms of natural medicine, take effect by treating the individual, not the disease or the symptoms of disease. They work specifically on the emotional condition of the person concerned. The effect of taking the remedies is not to suppress emotions but to transform negative responses to emotions to positive responses.
Each remedy includes a description of the emotional and mental condition for which it is useful, together with the positive potential of the client once harmony and balance is restored. Descriptions for extreme negative indications with each remedy is not always flattering. Providing the client with the positive potential of each remedy helps the client appreciate the balance.
A consultant is not necessary, but can improve the accuracy of getting the right remedy. As it is not always easy to see ourselves, a consultant may be more objective than a friend or spouse who may be emotionally involved with your challenges. Getting the right remedy will assist in providing relief sooner and can potentially reduce the cost of purchasing ineffective remedies. As a consultant I look for the root cause of your particular emotional challenge and consider your individual characteristics as well as your current state of mind.
Yes. Babies and children can be given the remedies with complete safety and very good results. Children and babies suffer from many emotions and go through times of stress and unhappiness. Remedies can help them to grow up happy and healthy. For instance, children who demand constant attention may benefit from Chicory or Vine remedies.
Dosage is the same for children. To eliminate alcohol, two drops can be prepared with boiled water to burn off alcohol, then cooled prior to administering. When the baby is being breast-fed, it is sufficient for the mother to take the remedy.
Nothing. The Bach Flower Remedies are safe and gentle and are not harmful. If you pick an inappropriate one, it will simple not have an affect. Bach Flower Remedies can be taken alongside medication, including homeopathic remedies, without any interference.
The remedies have no adverse effects. However, like other forms of natural medicine, they may allow suppressed emotions or symptoms to surface. These could include such things as rashes while the body is being cleared of toxins, or an awareness of emotions which have been denied expression. These are a temporary, but important part of the healing process.
The remedies recommended are for the potential of providing restoration of emotional balance and harmony. They are not used directly for physical complaints, but for the sufferer's worry, apprehension, hopelessness, irritability, etc. because these states of mind or moods can hinder recovery of health and are believed to contribute to sickness and disease.
Information provided through consultations does not constitute health or medical advice and information presented is not a substitution for professional physical or mental advice. Should symptoms persist, you are advised to immediately consult with your medical practitioner.
Bach Flower Remedies have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Flower remedies, including Rescue Remedy is not intended to replace medical treatment but may be an invaluable support while waiting for medical help in an emergency.
Directions for use for adults and children:
Flower remedies can also be added to a room diffuser. Add 2 drops to the water.
Note that standard Bach Flower Remedies stock bottles contain 27% grape alcohol (brandy). Bach also makes non-alcohol Kid versions of Rescue Remedy and non-alcoholic single stock remedies. Contact Denise for more details on non-alcoholic options.
Yes, an assessment of the characteristics of an animal is exactly as for a person. 2 drops of a remedy can be given on food or their drinking water. If large animals (horse, cows, etc.) up to 6 drops can be added to a large bucket or container of drinking water.
Plants can benefit from Rescue Remedy after transplanting. Other remedies may also help with pest infections or to invigorate a limp plant.
Contact Denise for more details for animal or plant help.
No, they are not all the same. We recommend that you be your own advocate and research other brands and products for your own needs.
The purest form of Bach Flower Remedies will have the Bach logo and are distributed by Nelson Bach USA in the United States. Some brands base their products on, and include Bach flower remedies, but other brands do not. We may be a bit bias, but believe Bach Flower Remedies is the purist, highest quality product available for effective emotional relief.
If you have any questions, reach out to us any time.
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